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 《反恐特警队》前情提要 Previously on S.W.A.T.... 是这房♥子的钥匙 That"s a key to this house. 我想和你住在一起 I want us to live together. 怎么样 What do you say? 你刚刚想好了想当父亲 You just came around to the idea of being a father. 我不希望你和一个不能生育的人 I don"t want you to stick around with someone 在一起浪费时间 who can"t make that happen. 好了

 别说了 Okay, stop it. 我想当父亲

 要个孩子 The only reason I thought being a father and having kids 这个想法对我有意义 made any kind of sense to me 仅仅是因为可以和你一起做这件事 is "cause I get to do it with you. 没有你就没有家 There is no family without you first. 皮纳妈妈给她们的不止一个安身之所 Mama Pina provides more than shelter. 她给这些女孩们提供了希望 She provides these women with hope. 你是想告诉我什么吗 You trying to tell me something? 接手安全屋 Taking over the safe house feels like 可能是我一直在寻找的改变 maybe the change I"ve been looking for. 我一直很害怕 I"ve been terrified of losing myself 在我最害怕失去的人面前迷失自我 to the person I"m terrified of losing. 但如果能再来一次 But if we can please try this again, 我会很乐意


 I"d really like that, because I love you. 我爱你 I love you. 你就是停不下来

 是不是 You don"t stop, do you? 什么 What? 我刚在梦中情人身边醒来 I just woke up next to my dream girl. 还何欲何求 What more could anyone want? 衣服 Clothes. 很明显不是必需品 Clearly optional. 我得回家换衣服 I have to go home and change. 我可不想穿同一身衣服去总部 I"m not doing the walk of shame into HQ. 我希望你不介意 I hope it"s okay if we can just... 暂时把这事保密 ...keep this between us for now. 你最好不是后悔了 Man, I hope that"s not the sound of regret already. 当然不是 No. Not at all. 只是 It"s just... 这是我在特警队的最后一天 it"s my last day on SWAT, and... 我不想让这事成为焦点

 你明白吗 I just don"t want it to be all about this, you know? 当然 Yeah. Of course. 我得在卢卡看到我之前离开 Okay, I have to go before Luca sees me. 应该不会的 You know, I think you should be good. 他和谭今早要去祖玛冲浪 He and Tan were gonna surf Zuma this morning.

 我听到他在日出前离开了 Heard him leave before the sun came up. 真不敢相信这是你的最后一天 Can"t believe it"s your last day. -我知道

 -我不是抱怨 - I know. - I mean, I"m not complaining, 因为这意味着我们可以在一起

 但是 since it means we get to be together, but... 0 队没有你会很奇怪的 20-Squad is gonna be weird without you. 太好了 Oh, yes! 终于成了 It finally happened? 你怎么这么早就回来了 Dude, what are you doing home already? 冲浪没冲成

 很不爽 Waves were blown out, it sucked, 不过也是件大好事 which is totally awesome, 因为我得以在这里见证一切 "cause now I am here to witness this. 你得控制一下

 卢卡 You got to rein it in, Luca. 击掌

 想都别想 Don"t even think about any high fives. 好吧


 对吧 Okay, I can still be happy for you both, though, right? 你可以为我们高兴 Yes, you can be happy for us, 但不能说出去 but you got to keep your mouth shut. 至少今天不行 At least for today. 等我离开特警队

 就随便你了 Once I"m gone from SWAT, you can go nuts. 再见 Bye. 总算成了 This is really happening. 难道没有规则说如果监考老师

 Hey, isn"t there some kind rule that says if your proctor 迟到超过 15 分钟

 就不必参加考试了吗 is more than 15 minutes late, you don"t have to take the test? 你要是忘记复习了就直说 If you didn"t study, just say so. 抱歉

 我知道期末考试的压力已经够大了 My apologies. I know you"re stressed enough with finals, 不应该再节外生枝 you don"t need any added drama. 我会延长考试时间来补偿 Obviously, I"ll add more time at the end of the test to compensate. 温特博士 Uh, Dr. Winter, 不应该是约瑟夫监考吗 I thought Joseph was supposed to proctor the final. 我不能透露细节 I"m not at liberty to discuss the details, 但恐怕约瑟夫已经 but I"m afraid Joseph"s been dropped 被学校的博士项目开除了 from the university"s doctoral program. 等等

 为什么 Wait, why? 我不能透露 I can"t disclose that. 本周举♥行♥了一次纪律听审 There was a disciplinary hearing this week, 并作出了决定 and a decision was made. 我们真的该开始了 We really should get started. 请把手♥机♥收起来 Put your phones away, please. 约瑟夫

 你不能来这里 Joseph, you can"t be here. 现在可以了吗 How about now? 期末考计划有变

 各位 Change in plans for the final, everybody. 我们要做一些更有实操性的事情 We"re going to do something a little more hands-on.

 毕竟这是化学考试 After all, it"s a chemistry test. 来做点化学实验吧 Let"s do some chemistry. 不


 你知道这有多危险吗 No, Joseph. Do you know how dangerous that is? 等什么呢

 这是你们的期末考 What are you waiting for? This is your final. 动起来 Get to work. 尼歇尔

 箱子大都打包好了 Hey, Nichelle, I got most of my boxes packed, 但需要人帮忙搬出去 but I could use a hand carrying them out. 好的

 给我一分钟 All right, I"ll just need a minute. 我开始觉得 You know, I"m starting to think 这地方再也不会像从前了 this place is never gonna look the same. 你父亲要搬出去

 你女朋友要搬进来 Your father is moving out, your girlfriend is moving in. 你真觉得这地方会还是老样子吗 Did you really expect it to be the same? 不


 我很喜欢这个变化 No, baby. I"m all about the change. 你找什么呢 What you looking for? 我今天要带几个上高中的 Oh, I"m taking some of the high schoolers 去玛丽皇后号♥ to the Queen Mary today. 那有个移♥民♥的展览 They have an exhibit on immigration. 我把那些小手环放这边什么地方了 Somewhere around here I have these little bracelets. 它们可以给手腕增加点压力

 据说能预防晕船 They put pressure on your wrist, supposed to prevent seasickness. 尼歇尔

 你不用出海 Nichelle, you ain"t going out to sea. 那船是永久性靠岸停泊的


 That boat is permanently docked. You won"t need them. 有备无患 Just want to be safe.


 照顾一群熊孩子也够呛 Chaperoning these kids is hard enough when I"m at my best. 我都不敢想我犯晕恶心会怎么样 Don"t want to imagine if I"m feeling queasy. 我和夏芮丝坐邮轮航海那次 Well, I got some Dramamine from that cruise 还剩了些晕海宁 that Charice and I took. 应该在这里面 Got to be around here someplace. 不用了

 没事的 Uh, no. That"s all right. 宝贝

 我得走了 Baby, I got to go. 周末别安排事

 我有计划 Keep this weekend free. I made some plans. 是吗

 是什么日子啊 Oh, yeah? What"s the occasion? 保密


 也许你就知道了 It"s a secret. Keep the weekend free and maybe you"ll find out. 那我还是赶紧上班去 Well, then, I better get my butt to work 好给我赢得点休息时间 and earn myself some time off. 回头见

 老爸 Later, Pop. 回见

 儿子 All right, son. 别太卖♥♥力了

 因为我还要你 Don"t work too hard, "cause I"m-a need you 回来帮我搬这些箱子呢 to help me with these boxes when you get back. 对不起

 我还以为是我的箱子 I-I"m sorry, I thought this was one of my boxes. 不要告诉洪都

 答应我 You can"t tell Hondo. Promise? 说真的 I"m not gonna lie,

 一想到以后工作就碰不见你了 the thought of doing this job without you from now on... 我就有点难过 ...makes me a little upset. 我会想你的 Gonna miss you. 我知道我们有时候看法不一致 I know we haven"t always seen eye to eye, 但我尊重你的热忱 but, man, I respect your passion, 还有你的投入 and your commitment. 安全屋的那些妇女很幸运能有你 The women at that safe house, they"re lucky to get you. 我希望能帮到她们 I just hope I can deliver for them. 你会的 You will. 如果你哪天想赚点外快 And, hey, if you"re ever looking for some extra cash 或是怀念出任务的日子 or miss the action, 我的安保公♥司♥永远都欢迎你来 I"ll always have a gig for you at my security company. 说起来


 等等 Actually, Deac, uh, hold up. 我有个东西要给你 I want to give you something. 我戴着它有一阵子了 I been carrying it for a while. 圣犹大 Saint Jude Thaddeus. 绝境守护神 Patron saint of hopeless causes. 你什么时候信教了 Since when did you become religious? 我没有

 但看到你那么虔诚 I"m not, but, uh, seeing your faith, 看到宗教对你意味着什么

 反正... and what it means to you, I don"t know, it"s, uh... 对我是种激励

 it"s been an inspiration. 我想我戴着它

 把它当成护身符 Guess I"ve been carrying it as a kind of, uh, 看到它我就会想"如果是迪肯他会怎么做" "What Would Deacon Do?" token. 你一直都在支持我 You"ve always been there for me, 从没有放弃我 you never gave up on me. 我想告诉你为此我有多么感激 And, uh, I just want you to know how grateful I am for that. 谢谢 Thank you. 走吧 Let"s go. 我们了解的情况是这样 Here"s all we got. 有人从一间实验室报的警 Someone called 911 from one of the labs. 没讲话

 但是电♥话♥一直开着 They didn"t speak, but they left the line open. 1 接线员听到喊叫声

 还有人提到有枪 911 operator heard yelling and the mention of a gun. 也许是埋伏起来的嫌犯 Barricaded suspect, maybe? 大学校园 College campus, 考试周

 会有人情绪崩溃 finals week, people snap. 什么情况都可能出现 Could be anything. 校园警♥察♥已经搜查过教学楼其它地方 Campus cops already cleared the rest of the building. 他们无法看到实验室里面 They couldn"t see inside the labs. 门锁着

 窗户被遮住了 Doors are locked, the windows are papered over. 所以我们基本上是要盲闯入内了 So pretty much, we"re going in blind. 家常便饭了

 我把红外线成像打开 Nothing new about that. I got the IR ready.


 行动吧 All right. Let"s move. 谭 Tan. 什么情况 What are we looking at? 检测到 8 个热成像 Picking up eight forms. 温度区间显示他们都活着 Temperature range says they"re all alive, 但没有活动 but there"s no movement. 好像他们都趴在地上 Looks like they"re all prone on the ground. 我闻到有毒气体的味道了 I smell gas. 对


 从里面出来的 Yeah, it"s strong. Coming from inside. 他们不动是因为他们都晕倒了 Okay, they"re not moving "cause they"re unconscious. 我们得救他们出来 We got to get them out of there. 等等

 等一下 Wait, wait, wait. Hey, hold on. 是电子锁 It"s an electronic lock. 你把锁打开会有产生火花的风险 If you pop that open, we"ll risk a spark. 整栋楼都可能被炸掉 Whole place could go up. -那就完了


 锁 - That"d be game over. - Chris, lock. 好 I"m already on it. 里面空气快要耗尽了 They"re running out of air in there. 就快好了 I"m getting it. 快

 克里斯 Come on, Chris. 快了

 Almost there. 好了 Okay. 我们需要通风 We need ventilation. 克里斯


 打开所有门 Chris, Street, open the doors. 谭

 把毒气关掉 Tan, kill the gas. 我们得把他们带到外面 We got to get them outside. 我们需要医护人员...

推荐访问:反恐 剧本 中英文对照









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